20 April 2010


Life changes so quickly.  Although, during a change, the process seems agonizingly slow.  Like winter, I feel low and depressed with my life is taking a turn that I didn't expect.  It's hard for us humans to adjust to a big life change.  I've had so many in the last year.  My parents split up and are getting a divorce, I unexpectedly got pregnant and had a baby, my Grandpa died, I moved, and all this on top of life's little-large twists and turns.  You know, they happen often enough, and afterward they don't seem like that big of a deal, but when your car breaks down or your basement needs mold clean-up, it sucks.  It just plain sucks.  And when I look ahead and think, "okay, by this date, things will start to get better..."  Well I am just setting myself up for disaster.  Because there's always something.

And yet, things happen to make me realize that life is good, God is good, and He is looking out for me and my family, even when I forget to acknowledge Him, thank Him, ask Him, and so on.

I'm just thankful that my life doesn't actually suck.  And thankful that some unexpected things change our lives not just for the better, but for the best.

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